wheel of consent book

Wheel of Consent Book

wheel of consent book coverThe official Wheel Of Consent book is finally here!

The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent

by Dr. Betty Martin, with Robyn Dalzen

Why would most people endure unwanted or unsatisfying touch, rather than speak up for their own boundaries and desires?

Over decades of working with clients Betty Martin, the creator of the Wheel Of Consent, discovered there was a major component missing for people — the confidence that we have a choice about what is happening to us.

In this definitive book Betty guides the reader through the Wheel of Consent framework, and shares practices to help recover the ability to notice what you want and set clear boundaries.

In these practices, you’ll discover that the Art of Giving includes knowing your own limits so you can be more generous within those limits, and not give beyond your capacity.

You’ll also discover that the Art of Receiving invites you to notice and ask for what you really want.

This knowledge, and its embodied practice, is foundational for creating clear agreements and bringing more satisfaction into relationships.

The book is written in easy-to-read, and engaging language, with plenty of examples and practices to try for yourself.

“An important book. Simple and clear, with practices that helped me gently discover what I really wanted and was not asking for. Feels like I have a whole new freedom! Remarkable impact in relationships with my partner, friends, family and colleagues. Highly recommended.”

Amazon reader review

Betty’s book website    |    Buy book on Blackwells.co.uk   |   Buy audiobook on Audible.com

The quadrants

Each quadrant in the Wheel Of Consent creates a different experience and teaches you something different about yourself. Learn more about each one:


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