michael dresser wheel of consent

About Michael Dresser

My name is Michael Dresser, I’m a Certified Workshop Facilitator for the Wheel Of Consent, one of the core faculty team, and member of the board for the School Of Consent.

I offer one-to-one coaching, as well as facilitating workshops.

The Wheel Of Consent first entered my world while I was doing my training to become a Certified Sexological Bodyworker. I quickly realised that consent is about so much more than simply saying ‘yes’, or ‘no’.

In fact, I’ve come to believe that consent is a fundamental life-skill – bringing tangible benefits not only to hands-on bodywork, but to almost all areas of life, even ones which don’t involve touch!

The more I live, work and play with the Wheel Of Consent the more I learn with it. It’s a little like peeling an onion – there are always new insights to discover.

And I never stop being amazed seeing the power of transformation that such a seemingly simple tool can bring to the lives of those who engage with it.

Having previously lived and worked for 20 years in London, as well as spending time in Australia, and New Zealand, I’m now based near the beautiful Scottish Highlands. I work regularly in Edinburgh, London, and Findhorn, as well as across Scotland, the UK and Europe.

I coach and teach by creating safe, gentle, and engaging touch-based environments. Choice and the needs of the individual are at the centre of each learning experience I facilitate, whether that’s in a group, a partnership, or with an individual.

Browse the menu to learn more about how I work, or connect with me.

“Michael is a wonderful facilitator. He creates a safe space so I completely trusted him and could relax into the practice. I benefited immensely from what I learnt and what I felt”

The quadrants

Each quadrant in the Wheel Of Consent creates a different experience and teaches you something different about yourself. Learn more about each one:


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