Meet Your Needs

Online learning options available

Meet your needs in relationships. No more hoping or hinting. Learn how to be responsible for noticing what you need, taking action for it yourself, or asking someone else to.

Do you find it difficult to meet your needs? Meet Your Needs sessions with me are a practical and powerful approach to help you bring self-care and choice into your relationships.

Self-care is essential for survival (here’s more about why meeting your needs is key to happiness), but it’s something many people struggle to do well, or consistently.

It’s common to try and ‘give’ as a way of meeting your needs. But in order to be able to give willingly and generously it’s essential to attend to your own needs first; you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Learning how to receive is one of the most effective ways you can do this.

When you learn to receive you learn how to prioritise your own needs, and resource yourself.

In these foundational sessions with me you’ll learn and practice two simple, powerful approaches to identifying and requesting what you want.

Watch the video to find out more about what’s involved

Is it for you?

This is for you if you’re tired of settling for things you don’t really enjoy, and want to build trust in yourself and your body when it comes to meeting your needs better.

For individuals looking for a practical approach to self care these sessions will give you the essential foundations to be able to identify what you want and communicate your desires clearly.

Essential skills you'll learn

Focusing on the Receiving half of the Wheel Of Consent, these sessions offer practical, body-based coaching to help you:

  • Become more responsible for noticing your needs, wants and desires, and making choices about them
  • Take action for what you need without taking advantage
  • Improve your communication so you can get the gifts you really want from others
  • Create clearer agreements about what will or won’t happen – so you can stop going along with things you don’t really want
  • Understand how receiving feels in your body when it’s truly for you (whether or not touch is involved)
  • Make conscious receiving into an essential part of your self care practice

About touch in these sessions:

These sessions are for individuals, one-to-one with me (couples check out Build A Healthy Relationship), and can take place in person or online.  Online sessions invite self-touch as a learning container. In person sessions invite different types of touch as a learning container, but you get to choose at all times how you do - or don’t - want to touch, or be touched.

“Asking for what we want is easy and natural; it’s the only thing we know how to do at birth. It’s hard because along the way we had bad experiences with it, so we stopped. We had to make up some convoluted way to get what we needed: hint, manipulate, steal, or pretend to offer. When you recover asking it’s a huge relief for you and everyone around you”

Dr. Betty Martin (from The Art Of Receiving & Giving)

meet your needs

Learn to Meet Your Needs with me

IMPORTANT NOTE: Prices shown for in-person intensives are to work with me at my home base near Findhorn, Scotland. To work with me in Edinburgh or London please add £160 per day. This covers the cost of the venue I use which is secure and suitable for this sensitive work.

Take your next step...

If you're interested the next step is to book a free, no-obligation Clarity Call with me.  This is an informal Zoom call of up to 30 minutes. It's your opportunity to ask any questions you might have, and for me to make sure I'm able to offer what you're looking for.

More ways to learn:

Professional Peer Mentoring

Professional peer support for bodyworkers, coaches, educators, or therapists, working with consent, communication, embodiment and sexuality

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Wheel Practice

If you’ve taken a Wheel Of Consent workshop and want to keep practicing these online one-to-one sessions with me are an ideal way to support your ongoing learning

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Learn To Touch

A step-by-step guided touch practice that will change the way you feel. Unlock your connection with sensation and choice without the need to touch anyone else.

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The Joy Of Touch – for couples

A simple, illuminating practice for couples to improve touch and communication – so you can BOTH get a touch experience you really enjoy.

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Enjoy Better Boundaries

Build skills to notice what you want, how to ask for it, and how to stop when you’ve had enough. Learn how to allow without allowing too much.

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Build A Healthy Relationship

A revolutionary approach to creating better relationships. Learn to trust your body when you interact with others. Build essential skills for meeting your own needs, creating better boundaries, and clearer communication.

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Learn To Touch – Supported Self Study Course

Online. Discover a whole new approach to touch that will change how you feel – literally! A short, affordable, practical guide you can learn in less than an hour a day.

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